Kilometrozero : the short chain of fashion

Kilometrozero : the short chain of fashion

Store-71If passing Viale Montenero Milan to see a showcase which displays boxes of apples, or other fruits and vegetables in season along with delicious dresses, do not miss the chance and go to investigate. Discover the original idea of ​​two nice friends, especially bright and enterprising, which is summarized and explained in the name of the store, “Must Have Kilometrozero.”
Both have behind a respectable curriculum, as Graziella Mancini worked in Marzotto group and then was marketing director in the group Valentino and Tod’s group, while Vania Sommariva was designer of a known group of haute couture.
The idea came from the habit, consolidated in Milan and elsewhere to buy food directly from cooperatives of farmers, without the detour of the store.
“Seeing the success of the short chain in the food – says Graziella Mancini – we decided to do something similar in the field of fashion, not jumping the passage of the store because in our case it is essential, but that of distribution.”
This, in other words, means that a lace dress from 1000 € from Must Have Kilometrozero you can find it just 500 euro, or a sheath dress that costs 100 Euros elsewhere, here you can buy only 50 Euros.
In addition to dresses, the store also offers accessories such as necklaces, bracelets, belts, scarves and handbags to match each other creating different outfits each time. In addition the customers are cared Must Have with different types of services, such as personal shoppers available that can recommend purchasing, explaining to them what the basic items and classics that should always be in the suitcase (or closet) of a woman, as the little black dress, white shirt etc. Another type of service is to advise instead the colors and the trends of the moment and, finally, the ability to fully customize a garment or an outfit.
As for sales, which start in the city on July 7, not part of the philosophy of the shop as the prices are already very low.
And boxes of apples? “The apples she has noticed passing and that may be from time to time even cabbage or turnips, watermelons or, depending on the season, are a fun and ironic allusion to the short chain of the food that inspired us – concludes Graziella Mancini – and are now an integral part of our equipment installed on the window. ”

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